The Atlanta Film Series is a premier annual collection of five distinct film festivals in Atlanta, Georgia, designed to cater to diverse cinematic tastes. With a variety of genres and formats represented, the series has become a vital hub for filmmakers, cinephiles, and industry professionals alike.
The Atlanta Film Series traces its roots back to 2002, when a group of independent filmmakers, musicians, and artists launched WellFair, a monthly event at Atlanta’s iconic MJQ Concourse. WellFair combined independent film screenings, live music, and art to spotlight emerging talent in the city.
Building on the success of WellFair, the group introduced the Atlanta Underground Film Festival (AUFF) in 2004, creating a large-scale annual event dedicated to providing independent filmmakers with a welcoming space to share their work.
Recognizing a growing demand for genre-specific festivals, the organization expanded its portfolio:
Over the past 20 years, the Atlanta Film Series has played a significant role in transforming Atlanta into a hub for independent cinema. Its festivals provide opportunities for filmmakers to connect with audiences, celebrate their craft, and gain recognition on a global stage.
With a commitment to fostering creativity and innovation, the Atlanta Film Series continues to champion independent filmmakers and their stories. Whether you’re a filmmaker or a film enthusiast, we invite you to join us at these vibrant events. Here’s to another 20 years of inspiring and supporting independent film!
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